Upcoming Woo U CE events

Ocular Surface Disease Diagnosis, Treatment and Real-World Patient Communication
The course covers dry eye diagnostics and treatments and keys for educating and communicating with these patients. The goal of this course is to improve patient compliance with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), eyelid management, and ocular surface disease (OSD).
Almost 1200 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Enjoyable speaker. Love his off the side comments!
He is very dynamic and made the lecture very interesting.
Great speaker and very helpful tips for dry eyes. Tx!
Educational and funny.
I like how he brought everything together, sort of like an Outline for DED.
I paid more attention to this speaker than others because he was funny and kept my attention well.
Good review of OSD treatments.
Speaker is funny and engaging and very easy to pay attention to!
Always great CE! Thank you!
Enjoyed the speakers quick wit and humor! :)
Dr. Bloomenstein is always great!
Great, hilarious speaker! Thanks for interesting lecture.
Speaker: Dr. Marc Bloomenstein
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 94855-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Avenova for exhibiting at this event.

“You’re Seeing 20/20 – What’s Wrong?” The Psychology Behind Vision Improvement in Keratoconus Patients
This course is designed to educate optometric physicians on a guideline for how to address patients after they have recently received optical correction. This course includes a review of keratoconus and treatment options. It will proceed to go into the psychology ramifications like depression, anxiety, and other mental related issues that many keratoconic patients’ experience. The course also reviews treatment options like higher order aberration corrections, therapy, and surgical options. In conclusion, the course allows optometrists another understanding of what keratoconus patients may experience outside of correction their vision to 20/20.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
This was a refreshing presentation on we can improve in treating K patients.
Have referred many patients to Kriti. They all love her.
This was unique and wonderful subject that I have never heard presented before.
Excellent speaker, very compassionate and such a change from most speakers where the focus is on treatment and profit.
I was a student of Dr Bhagat, and it was excellent to learn from her again!
Was interesting to hear the psychological side of keratoconus.
Enjoyed her enthusiasm and presentation.
Really enjoyed hearing Dr. Bhagat speak. She was incredibly knowledgeable in an area that I had not learned much about previously. She also had a very gentle and kind demeanor that came through in her lecture and I'm sure she is well loved and appreciated by her patients. Thank you!!
Enjoyed the topic and lecture!
I actually wasn't aware of common psychological factors of cone patients. The expense savings estimation over a pt's lifetime was also a surprise. Great info here, well done.
Her presentation was outstanding!
Her advice can extend to other vision threatening diseases also. Good speaker.
Enjoyed her enthusiasm and presentation.
Speaker: Dr. Kriti Bhagat
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 94854-GO
Category: General Optometry
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Glaukos for supporting this event with a medical education grant.

Common Retinal Conditions
This course will highlight retinal conditions commonly encountered in the optometric setting including Age Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal Vein Occlusion, Retinal Detachment and Vitreomacular Interface Disease. Disease classification, epidemiology, treatment and management will be discussed. The use of multimodal imaging in the diagnosis of these conditions will be introduced.
Over 1400 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Love Dr. Rodman, she's was a great teacher in school as well!
Very enjoyable lecture! Dr. Rodman is a great speaker and it was easy to stay focused.
Thank you so much for talking about the diseases with the great slides!
This was great, had great details, explanations, and pictures. Would love more CE on retinal conditions!
Amazing lecture! So knowledgeable, makes it so easy to understand, keeps it short and simple. Thank you!
Excellent speaker. Wish she taught me in optometry school.
Dr. Rodman is an excellant and knowledgeable speaker on a very relevant topic.
I've worked with fairly healthy populations (young demographic), so this was a wonderful refresher. Thank you!
Really enjoyed the lecture and Dr. Rodman’s way of lecturing. Hope she does other lectures in the future!
Love the lecturer and how clear her presentation was!!! I would join any lecture of hers again any time!!!
Dr. Julie Rodman is an awesome lecturer. This is second lecture I’ve listened with her. She has the great ability to simplify complicated concepts. Even if she’s rushing through material. Please have her again!
Excellent photos and nice flow of lecture.
Excellent speaker, but I think it was too fast. Maybe 2 hours would be more appropriate will all the content.
Nice overview of various retinal conditions by a very knowledgeable and engaging speaker.
An extremely informative clinical lecture presented in a concise and clear manner.
Excellent balance of breadth vs depth of topics.
The session was full of knowledge!
Most knowledgeable and organized lecturer I've heard this year.
I thought she did a wonderful job and would definitely like to see more of her presentations!
Great lecture; all of the images were very helpful to relating the RD discussed!
Speaker: Dr. Julie Rodman
Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Majcher
COPE ID: 94553-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Astellas for exhibiting at this event.

Begin with the Lid in Mind: Demodex Blepharitis and MGD
This lecture will dive into the role of Demodex Blepharitis in ocular surface disease including diagnosis and treatment, but recent research has shed light on the association between Demodex Blepharitis and meibomian gland disease (MGD). We’ll look at how MGD plays a role and review the findings of the Ersa study as it may apply to clinical practice.
Over 700 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent lecture again by Dr Karpecki
Always enjoy hearing Dr. Karpeki!
Awesome lecturer! Look forward to hearing him speak again.
Outstanding presentation and information that can be utilized in clinic tomorrow.
Excellent program! Very informative and enjoyable.
Speaker: Dr. Paul Karpecki
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 94551-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease

Technologies and Corneal Disease
Join Dr. John Gelles, and Dr. Stephanie Woo for Virtual CRU 2024. Our event begins with a 1-hour free COPE approved course on Corneal Diseases. The event is followed by a virtual wine tasting for those wishing to participate - more details will be sent upon registration.
Anyone who attends this event will receive a 50% off registration code for CRU Eye Symposium 2025 in Napa, CA.
Over 600 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Dr. Gelles is such a great speaker!
Amazing at explaining corn tomography maps! Please have him back!
Great speaker, would have loved to hear the rest of the corneal slide show!
Dr. Gelles does great job of explaining dense material with great visuals.
That was amazing! I am not up to that level so perhaps have him again at a more entry level talk.
Speaker: Dr. John Gelles
Moderator: Dr. Stephanie Woo
COPE ID: 94893-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Begin with the Lid in Mind: Demodex Blepharitis and MGD
This lecture will dive into the role of Demodex Blepharitis in ocular surface disease including diagnosis and treatment, but recent research has shed light on the association between Demodex Blepharitis and meibomian gland disease (MGD). We’ll look at how MGD plays a role and review the findings of the Ersa study as it may apply to clinical practice.
Over 900 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent informative lecture by Dr Karpecki!
Paul Karpecki is one of the best speakers/lecturers ever!
The BEST lecturer… always!
Great lecture. I will definitely take these points into my practice. Thank you for your time.
Dr. Karpecki is a great speaker!!!
Really interested in LLLT now! Thanks!
Excellent presentation. I liked the flow, visual aids, and communication style of Dr. Karpecki.
Never associated demodex and MGD before, so good to know the link.
Thank you for the great lecture! Always a pleasure to hear Dr. Karpecki speak!
Speaker: Dr. Paul Karpecki
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 94551-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Oral Pharmaceuticals - Fall Summit 2024
Join us this fall for a Sunday event dedicated entirely to the topic of oral pharmaceuticals. Earn up to 4 hours of COPE approved CE in one day! With a wide variety of speakers and topics, there is something for everyone.
Almost 400 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Very comprehensive and informative subject.
Dr. Nidhi is great!
Great in-depth information regarding cannabis.
Dr. Rana was outstanding!
All of the speakers did a great job covering their topics!
Great content and speakers. Appreciate course offerings on weekends.
I really enjoyed the presentation on pediatric pharmacology. The presentation was great and she kept it interesting and I look forward to hearing her speak again.
Always so well organized and presented!
Speakers were all excellent and engaging. Really enjoyed this event. Thank you!
All doctors were good. I was sad to see the second doctor lecture while sick. The cannabis lecture was amazing. It was an amazing and thorough lecture with so much evidence base. It was incredible to see the topic so thoroughly covered in a short time. Amazing speaker!
Speakers: Jason Ng, OD, Shora Ansari, OD, Nidhi Rana, MD
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
Course Title: Cannabis and the Eyes
Speaker: Jason Ng, OD
Course ID/Category: 94401-PH (Pharmacology)
Course Description: Cannabis has been legalized in several states and optometrists are more likely than ever to encounter patients that may use it. While the longer term systemic effects of cannabis on the human organ systems is more well known, the shorter term effects on vision are less known. This course will provide an overview of the effects of cannabis on systemic and ocular health. An emphasis will be placed on the more acute effects of cannabis on the oculomotor and sensory aspects of vision. Consideration on how cannabis may influence driving ability will also be discussed.
Course Title: Systemic Antibiotics in Eye Care
Speaker: Shora Ansari, OD
Course ID/Category: 94402-PH (Pharmacology)
Course Description: This course covers a wide array of clinical pearls in treating bacterial ocular infections with systemic antibiotics. Practical information regarding the identification of adverse/allergic reactions, pregnancy and dosing will be discussed. This course will also provide guidance around antibiotic resistance.
Course Title: Pediatric Pharmapalooza
Speaker: Nidhi Rana, MD
Course ID/Category: 94403-PH (Pharmacology)
Course Description: Pharmacology agents used for different diseases continue to evolve and change constantly. This course will enhance and increase clinical knowledge related to pharmacological agents used in care of children of all ages, both topical and oral medications. This course is a comprehensive overview of pediatric prescribing. It will cover the common pathogens affecting children. It will cover the indications and contraindications of the drugs prescribed.

Generation KXL: Pediatric Keratoconus and Crosslinking
This course aims to provide a clinically relevant guide to managing keratoconus in pediatric populations. The course will discuss corneal crosslinking in pediatric patients as well as patient selection, setting patient expectations, understanding clinical outcomes, early post-op complications and co-management strategies.
Over 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Very informative and useful to be better at earlier involvement!
Great presenter and presentation. Learned a tremendous amount. Thank you!
Much needed topic to learn about. Thank you!
Thank you for the cases and the images! Very helpful. Please speak again!
Thanks for a great lecture!
Great discussion on pediatric patients and cross linking.
Thank you for the lecture. I gained awareness of the possibility of keratoconus in the pediatric population. I have never seen a pediatric keratoconic patient and I now realize they are out there and will need treatment sooner than later.
I thought this was a very relevant topic and I'm grateful for the pointers to catch keratoconus in kids sooner.
Dr. Ayres is top notch and deserves all his accolades. I have been referring my patients to him for years!.
I have several cone patients and this seminar was perfect for me. Thx!
One of the best lectures on keratoconus that I’ve ever listened to!
Speaker: Dr. Brandon Ayres
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 94853-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Knowledge Challenge: Scleral Lens Showdown
Attendees will apply their scleral lens knowledge by participating in a game-show style challenge, organized and hosted by Woo University. Attending events 1 + 2 will help you gain clues and insights to excel in the trivia game.
Speakers: Dr. Brooke Messer, Dr. Jamie Kuzniar, and Dr. Jason Jedlicka
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
Thank you to Bausch and Lomb for exhibiting at this event.
Note: This is not for CE credit, however it will still be educational and fun for anyone who wishes to test their scleral lens knowledge!

Defects, Dropout, and Dry Eye: Dealing with Dry Eye in Glaucoma
This course will explore options available today to care for a patient with glaucoma and dry eye disease, including drug delivery formulations for glaucoma and dry eye, the role of MIGS, and therapeutics and procedures.
Over 1200 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Everything was great! Very informative.
Thank you, I like the idea of punctal plugs delivering meds.
This lecture gave me a lot of new ideas to use with patients who have Dry Eye Syndrome and Glaucoma, especially older patients.
I am semi-retired, but it is always great to be able to attend CE and take a refresher.
Speaker lays out material in easy clear format.
Excellent speaker presenting evolving management strategies of glaucoma drop and their side effects.
Speaker: Dr. Selina McGee
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 88253-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Thea Pharma for exhibiting at this series.

Focus on Eyelid Margin Health - A Consensus Statement on Demodex Blepharitis
This course discusses the diagnosis, treatment and patient communication strategies for Demodex Blepharitis.
Over 900 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent education on lid tear system .
I always feel like I learn so much with McGee lectures.
She is awesome for detailed science and detail.
Bring her back for more! Great teacher!
Helped me understand the disease process much better.
Always learn so much from Dr. McGee!
Important CE to lecture on. Dr. McGee is a knowledgeable and informative speaker.
Excellent education on lid tear system.
Always a pleasure learning from Dr. McGee.
Speaker: Dr. Selina McGee
Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Pacific Time
Location: Virtual
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
Cost: Free!
COPE ID: 94068-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease

Exploring Innovations: Advanced Solutions for Scleral Lens Challenges
This course will provide an overview of the newest scleral lens technologies. We will discuss common complications of scleral lens patients and innovative solutions. Case reports will be presented using new technologies such as advancements in toric peripheral curves, microvaults, multifocals, and higher-order aberrations.
Speaker: Dr. Jason Jedlicka
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 94400-CL
Category: Contact Lenses
Thank you to Bausch and Lomb for exhibiting at this event.
This event is undergoing COPE approval for 1 hour of CE credit.

Glaucoma Gauntlet: Managing Cases from Diagnosis to Treatment
Glaucoma’s chronic progressive nature necessitates pairing and leveraging multiple treatments with a goal of buying years of non-progression. Eyecare providers are currently armed with topical medications, drug delivery, laser surgeries, and intraocular surgeries to treat intraocular pressure and ultimately glaucoma. Using patient cases, this lecture will challenge attendees to work through the glaucoma diagnostics, decide on treatment necessity, and ultimately select the treatment modality. Peer-reviewed evidence will be reviewed with an emphasis on how this research guides our day-to-day care for glaucoma patients.
Almost 1300 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great Case Presentations!
This was such a helpful lecture!
Great overall review of glaucoma that we all need to hear.
Excellent education on glaucoma management.
Solid glaucoma review. Would have appreciated more cases.
He was very knowledgeable and easy to understand.
Thorough discussion, the presenter is very knowledgeable.
I liked the hysteresis commentary.
Great cases that come about in practices that don't treat much glaucoma. Excellent presentation!
Great speaker and lecture. I was really engaged which can sometimes be more difficult when virtual.
I love that he started at a basic review level and worked up to more complex diagnostic testing and treatment.
One of the better glaucoma lectures I've attended!
I liked how he gave us hints on how to read the OCT, ie the things to look at. Dr Ibach was very good at simplifying a difficult subject. We need more these speakers!
This was a well organized presentation with practical application. Excellent!
Wonderful presentation. Pragmatic, concise, informative.
Great speaker! Speaks clearly and fast, yay! Covers a lot!
I really like the case based approach.
Speaker: Dr. Mitch Ibach
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 88440-GL
Category: Glaucoma
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Thea Pharma for exhibiting at this series.

Scleral Lens Fitting: Setting the Foundation
Join two practitioners for an engaging discussion on how to identify scleral lens patients in a traditional optometry clinic. Get questions answered such as: ● Who are good candidates for scleral lenses? ● How do I know what diagnostic lens to fit a patient with? ● What equipment do I need to successfully fit and manage a scleral lens patient? ● What are some common questions of scleral lens patients, before and after their fitting? ● What are some challenges I might face as a practitioner during the process?
Over 800 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Very good talk about foundations in scleral fitting.
Wonderful lecture very clinically relevant great teachers learned a lot. It was interesting without being over my head. Everything a great lecture should be.
Very informative session with excellent speakers.
The speakers were very helpful in helping understand the complexities of scleral fits.
Thank you for making it easier to understand.
Great presentation. I learned a lot!
Such a good explanation of a starting point. Great tips.
Speakers: Dr. Brooke Messer and Dr. Jamie Kuzniar
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 94393-CL
Category: Contact Lenses
Thank you to Bausch and Lomb for exhibiting at this event.
This event is undergoing COPE approval for 1 hour of CE credit.

Patient Compliance: The Ultimate Goal in Glaucoma Therapy
This course will review the challenges associated with achieving compliance in glaucoma. It will review the literature on patient behavior as regards chronic therapy and the alternatives available to address this critical issue.
Almost 1300 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
I really enjoyed this and I think I got a lot out of it.
Great lecture from a great Doctor !
Another Tremendous seminar!
New ways and views of approaching this disease!
Super lecture from a superstar!
Very easy to listen to his lecture! Extremely well read in his specialty!
It's always fascinating to hear the thoughts of Dr. Thimons. The hour passed very quickly!
Excellent presenter, a wealth of knowledge and info. Please have him back for more CE!
Excellent lecture. Leading edge information.
Thank you for a very interesting and helpful seminar!
Always top notch CE!
SLT discussion was especially helpful.
Dr. Thimons is amazing. That was a really wonderful lecture. Strong in content.
Very informative and the speaker kept it interesting.
Dr. Thimons always delivers the best lectures !
Great glaucoma review!
Excellent presentation by Dr. Thimons.
I have heard him speak many times. very excited about the state of GLC and Optometry based on what I have heard this evening.
Dr. Thimons is quite knowledgeable and always does an excellent job lecturing.
Speaker: Dr. Jim Thimons
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 93707-GL
Category: Glaucoma
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Thea Pharma for exhibiting at this series.

Dry Eye in the Desert - Las Vegas Edition!
Join Woo University and Visionary Medical Education for our Dry Eye in the Desert, filled with unique courses focused on the important topic of dry eye. An incredible panel of industry experts will educate eye care professionals to improve their clinical practices within the dry eye arena.
Almost 800 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Very easy to access and follow!
John Affeldt, M.D.'s lecture was amazing. I learned so much. Please bring him back for future lectures. Thank you.
Thank you for putting this together, the education was excellent.
Excellent lectures especially for NK!
Especially learned a lot from the NK lecture!
Dr. Affeldt was EXCEPTIONAL! Learned so much about NK today.
Very thorough seminar. You covered all aspects of dry eye, and the NK was the best I have ever heard. He truly did simplify the that I will diagnose and treat this in my clinic!
Please bring back Dr. Affeldt to discuss limbal stem cell disease and maybe even an NK update. He was EXCELLENT.
Excellent lecturers, excellent online venue, very pleased and grateful to Woo U and their sponsors for making access to CE so easy, and for the CE to be very enjoyable and for being very clinically relevant.
Dr. Affeldt was excellent!
Excellent and fun lecture topics and info! Loved this event!
Great lectures and learn a lot. Thank you.
Course Title: Conquering Dry Eye with Cutting Edge Tech and Treatments
Speakers: Marc Bloomenstein, O.D. and Selina McGee, O.D.
Course Title: Eye Candy: Elevating Beauty and Function with Ocular Aesthetics
Speakers: Selina McGee, O.D. and Cory Lappin, O.D.
Course Title: Empowering Clinicians: Confidently Manage Neurotrophic Keratitis Case
Speaker: John Affeldt, M.D.
Course Title: A Deep Dive into Eyelid Health and Ocular Surface Wellness
Speakers: Cory Lappin, O.D. and Marc Bloomenstein, O.D.
This event is COPE approved for 4 hours of CE credit.

Advancements in IOLs - What’s new with multifocal, toric, and light adjustable lenses?
This course will cover cataract surgery and the many implantable lens options available to patients. The course will address new advancements in IOLs and how to identify which patients would benefit from these new options. The course will decipher the differences between multifocal and extended depth of focus cataract implants. This course will delve into the unique advantages of light adjustable lens implants and how it works.
Almost 1000 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Informative insights on different cataract surgeries.
Very knowledgeable! I learned a lot from both lecturers!
This is the highest rating of any woo U webinar I've given. Fantastic!
Great management of time; well-paced.
Great speakers. Really important topic to stay with up to date IOLs.
Interesting topic and very informative!
Excellent speakers and presentation. Thank you.
Really found this webinar informative which included newer technology.
Great information and excellent delivery from Dr. Peplinski and Dr. Conner.
The speakers and knowledge learned were excellent and very interesting.
Speakers were great and very easy to listen to and follow.
Very informative and important update on new IOLs.
Great information and loved the questions at the end. Very helpful!
I will definitely consider an LAL when I need cataract surgery.
Speakers: Lee Peplinski, OD and Amy Conner, OD
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 94067-PO
Category: Peri-Op Mngmt of Ophth Surgery
This event is undergoing COPE approval for 2 hours of CE credit.
Thank you to RxSight for providing a medical education grant to support this event.

Integrative and Functional Medicine: New Opportunities for Optometry
Early detection, prevention, and wellness is not only trending but is now expected by our patients. Oxidative stress and damage are the hallmarks of chronic disease which is easily identified with our current and new instruments and technologies. This course will introduce and review concepts of integrative and complementary medicine and provide clinicians with clinical pearls, diagnostic interpretation and approaches, present-day and recently approved nutraceutical and therapeutic opportunities, and guidance on becoming a great Integrative Optometrist.
Over 300 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
This was one of the best lectures. So informative. Thank you!
I really liked having a CE move into a new topic and space. Very refreshing.
Excellent presentation learned a lot.
Great job! I wish they kept lecturing! I would love more lectures like this. I feel this is an untapped area that could help our patients (and ourselves)! Thank you so much!
Actually very interesting and valuable. Greatly appreciate this event!
Fantastic information! Extremely informative, Let's have more!!
Best seminar ever ❤️!
Thank you so much for such an interesting, helpful event.
Outstanding presentation and information.
Pleasure listening to Dr. Caldwell.
Speakers: Dr. Greg Caldwell and Dr. Tracy Offerdahl
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 93013-PH
Category: Pharmacology
This event is COPE approved for 2 hours of CE credit.

Managing Presbyopia to its Full Potential
The expectation of presbyopes to have functional vision in all ranges of vision is higher than ever before. Presbyopes are young active adults needing hassle free vision. Let’s explore the options available to provide the best care for our patients.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent lecture on presbyopic options.
Great approaches in dialog with patients.
The doctor is very creative and logic ! I love her ideas and all the things we can do for the millions of presbyopia out there!
I liked the tip about 2 multifocal lenses and then switching to a modified monovision in an emerging presbyope that was once an emmetrope.
Wonderful, PRACTICAL tips for every day primary care optometrists, thank you.
Great job. I like your strategy on giving all patients AR as a standard for always offering the best. Very helpful.
Great speaker! I love the way she plants the seed.
Excellent speaker, was professional and well spoken and I felt like I knew her, friendlier and more helpful than lots of speakers.
Always enjoy any CE event with Dr. Pal!
excellent presentation. I liked how she explained the basics and built upon that.
I love the modified monovision idea of putting two mf cl’s on and then removing one.
Refreshing approach to presbyopia/excellent speaker!!!
I appreciated hearing Dr. Pal's "tips and tricks" about how to present options in real life patient in your chair setting.
This was an excellent topic and Dr. Pal is an excellent speaker.
Excellent presentation on a topic that I would normally never take CE on.
Dr. Pal is a very captivating speaker!
Speaker: Dr. Shalu Pal
Moderator: Dr. Carolyn Majcher
COPE ID: 93052-GO
Category: General Optometry
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Lenz for exhibiting at this series.

Oral Pharmaceuticals in Primary Care Optometry - Part Two
This interactive course examines the use of oral pharmaceuticals in the treatment/management of a variety of anterior segment diseases. Part 2 of this course will cover the use of oral pharmaceuticals in the treatment of acne rosacea, meibomian gland dysfunction, preseptal cellulitis and uveitis.
Over 300 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
I would listen to ANY lecture he would give. Great presenter!
Dr. Lonsberry is the best!!!
Really enjoyed both nights and learned a lot!
Love that the info was useful for almost all practices and not just specialized practices.
I had no intention of paying attention, but this dude pulled me right in the whole time. Damnit! I had stuff to do!
Great review of oral pharm, would love to see more topics like this!
Dr. Lonsberry is a wonderful speaker who made a second night of oral pharmaceuticals genuinely interesting and fun to listen to!
My most needed course. Excellent!
This was an excellent review to stay sharp on relevant treatments we use in clinics and potential changes to dosing and treatment recommended by new studies since last taking a pharm or clinic class.
Absolutely love the presentation. Great information. It was straight to the point, and a lot of valuable insights. Thank you!
Dr. Lonsberry was excellent, I enjoyed his approach in clinical situations.
Excellent lecture on oral pharmaceuticals.
Excellent lecturer !!! Always a pleasure to hear him!
Speaker: Dr. Blair Lonsberry
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 93014-PH
Category: Pharmacology
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Oral Pharmaceuticals in Primary Care Optometry - Part One
This interactive course examines the use of oral pharmaceuticals in the treatment/management of ocular conditions seen in a primary care optometric practice. Part 1 of this course will cover the use of oral pharmaceuticals in the treatment of herpes infections (herpes simplex virus keratitis and herpes zoster ophthalmicus), recurrent corneal erosions and the use of oral pain management in optometric practice.
Almost 400 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great lecture on Herpes Treatment!
Dr. Lonsberry is the best!
Great speaker. Makes me want to go and practice in Alaska.
More Dr. Lonsberry! Lucky enough to have been taught by him at SCO 1996-2000! Still one of the greatest!
Dr. Lonsberry is a great speaker and the polls were definitely helpful in keeping the audience engaged. Thank you!
Awesome presentation!!!! Thank you so very much for this type of presentations!!
Excellent presentation! Oral pharmaceuticals isn't necessarily the most exciting topic but Dr. Lonsberry was an incredibly engaging speaker who made the topic interesting!
Dr. Lonsberry is an incredible Lecturer; I always learn so much from his presentations. He is exceptionally knowledgeable on the topics he discusses & presents them in a concise & easily understandable.
Outstanding presentation and information that can be used immediately in practice.
Speaker: Dr. Blair Lonsberry
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 93013-PH
Category: Pharmacology
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Amniotic Membrane Principles
This course is designed to introduce the benefits of Amniotic Membrane technology. Amniotic Membrane therapy for case examples seen in common everyday primary eye care used to demonstrate how this technology can benefit the patient and the doctor.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Good ocular disease and common with all patients!
Please bring this speaker back for other topics. Great speaker, fantastic notes . Thank you!
Reminds and encouraged me to use membranes more, thank you!
Really enjoyed Dr Johnson's voice and speed.
Dr. Johnson is an excellent speaker.
Speaker is so kind. Seems like a genuine, great dude.
Doctor was very knowledgeable and interesting to listen.
Speaker: Dr. Travis Johnson
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 91582-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Metabolic Disease Update: Exciting Drug Options for Diabetes and Weight Loss
This course reviews common metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus (Type 2) and obesity. This course will describe recent updates in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and obesity. Patient cases will be integrated into the presentation, where differential diagnosis and work-up will be discussed.
Almost 300 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great lecture. Great information. Thank you!
Love pharmcology ce.
Thank you, very helpful topic!
Thank you for a great presentation on these newer medications.
Outstanding presentation and excellent information.
Speaker: Tracy Offerdahl-McGowan, PharmD
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 93079-PH
Category: Pharmacology
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Innovation in MIGS
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery has become a powerful tool in the surgical glaucoma world. Optometrists encounter patients that have undergone MIGS procedures on a daily basis and that number will only increase. It is imperative that we understand the devices and how to manage patients postoperatively. This course will cover a few of my favorite MIGS case examples and discuss postoperative considerations so the optometrist is ready to handle any MIGS surprise.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great course. Good review and how to apply in clinic .
Great updated info with very knowledgeable speaker.
Loved all of the video content in the presentation.
Actually 10 stars. FANTASTIC lecture!
Excellent MIGS lecture!
Dr. Schweitzer is knowledgeable and highly qualified on the subject.
Thank you for a very informative discussion on the many options available to help patients control their glaucoma besides drops alone.
Great info on new options in glaucoma treatment.
Speakers: Justin Schweitzer, O.D.
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 92040-GL
Category: Glaucoma
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to AbbVie for exhibiting at this event.

Pupil Size Matters. The Pharmacologic Treatment of Presbyopia that Actually Works
This course will review the best pharmacologic options for the treatment of presbyopia.
Almost 900 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great course reviewing latest and greatest new treatment options .
Good review married with new information.
Better info than the drug reps.
I am motivated to try the drops again.
Great lecture, very informative and expertly presented.
Thank you for the wonderful information. I am a Neuro-optometrist, previous asst. professor, and greatly enjoyed your lecture.
Speaker: Dr. Andrew Morgenstern
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 93051-GO
Category: General Optometry
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Lenz Therapeutics for supporting this event!

Understanding the Legal Nuances of Keratoconus Management
This course examines the legal circumstances encountered in keratoconus management.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
This was phenomenal! Thank you!
Best speaker ever! Bring him back on more topics!
Liked speakers calm and laid back attitude and appreciate the information.
the pentagram explanation was very helpful!
Very useful and informative with the legal aspect added to the keratoconus topic.
I attended for free ce but, the class has proved to be highly informative. Thanks.
Great talk! Very important topic that we know very little about. We need more medical-legal CE courses! Thanks.
More CE from Dr. Conley please!!!
Great examples and explanations. I learned a lot. Please present again. Thank you.
Speaker: Eric Conley, O.D.
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 92213-EJ
Category: Ethics/Jurisprudence
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Glaukos for supporting this event with a medical education grant.

The Glaucoma Puzzle: When The Pieces Don't Always Fit
Glaucoma is a complex disease that results in characteristic cupping of the optic nerve and visual field loss. The problem is individual variability in optic nerve appearance and susceptibility to IOP can make it difficult to diagnose and follow glaucoma. This course will provide an overview using cases to work through when the pieces of the glaucoma puzzle don’t always fit.
Almost 1100 attended the event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great topic addressing challenges that ODs face everyday. Comforting to know that even the experts don't have all the answers right away.
Great Discussion. Thanks, Dr. Dunbar!
This is a good event. I didn't really learn anything new but it reinforced what I already know.
Great speaker with great examples to discuss.
Its so nice to see borderline cases. Thank you!
While no new information was presented the information was well presented and cases are always helpful to illustrate the point
Loved the speaker and the way he delivered his information.
Very nice speaker. Engaging. I would like him to dive more into tougher cases, newer glaucoma treatment options that we refer out for etc
Speaker: Mark Dunbar, O.D.
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 91655-GL
Category: Glaucoma
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to AbbVie for exhibiting at this event.

Scleral Lens Champions: Ocular Surface Disease Management Strategies
This course will review the therapeutic benefit of scleral lenses in ocular surface disease management. Case report scenarios will be used to illustrate the implementation of scleral lenses for a variety of disease states. Additionally, the renowned faculty will share clinical pearls and pitfalls for managing the complex nature of these patients.
Almost 900 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Great speaker and cases.
Phenomenal speaker!
I found this talk super interesting. I am really glad I attended.
Interesting concept for dry eye.
Excellent presentation. Thank you Dr. Pisano.
Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Pisano
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 91581-CL
Category: Contact Lenses
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Visionary Medical Education, Inc for helping host this event.
Thank you to Thea Pharma and Sun Pharma for supporting this event with a medical education grant.
Thank you to CooperVision for exhibiting at this event.

Ovarian Cancer Update For Eye Care Professionals
This course provides eye care professionals with an understanding of the ovarian cancer patient’s journey from diagnosis through modern management, common ophthalmic side effects from targeted treatments, and best practices for collaborative management with oncology.
Over 600 attended our event today and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
This is new to me and I need to review the notes in more detail. This talk was excellent .
Good info. I am an ovarian cancer survivor.
Awesome lecture and presenters!
I appreciated the 3 different providers to give their aspect of care.
Very informative information as we see more of a multitude of different patient .
Fantastic insight into a completely new medication management need.
The presentation given by speakers were good.
Speakers: Dr. Kamran Riaz, Dr. Cecelia Koetting, and Dr. Gottfried Konecny
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 92497-SD
Category: Systemic/Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Fighting Foggy Vision: The Role of the Tear Film in Scleral Lens Wear
This course will examine the relationship between the tear film and scleral lenses. Learn how the tear film can be affected by ocular surface disease and its potential impact on scleral lens wear and visual outcomes. Further, there will be a comprehensive review of evaluation and management strategies for complications caused by a compromised tear film.
Over 1000 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent breakdown of problems, differential diagnosis, and treatments!
Very helpful information! Thanks so much!
Great speaker, easy to understand.
Great event as usual!
A lot of material presented within a short period at a very rapid pace. At least for me. However, I was able to pick up some applicable information that I was not up to date on.
Speaker: Dr. Maria Walker
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 91580-CL
Category: Contact Lenses
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Visionary Medical Education, Inc for helping host this event.
Thank you to Thea Pharma and Sun Pharma for supporting this event with a medical education grant.
Thank you to Tangible Science for exhibiting at this event.