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Glaucoma Gauntlet: Managing Cases from Diagnosis to Treatment


Glaucoma’s chronic progressive nature necessitates pairing and leveraging multiple treatments with a goal of buying years of non-progression. Eyecare providers are currently armed with topical medications, drug delivery, laser surgeries, and intraocular surgeries to treat intraocular pressure and ultimately glaucoma. Using patient cases, this lecture will challenge attendees to work through the glaucoma diagnostics, decide on treatment necessity, and ultimately select the treatment modality. Peer-reviewed evidence will be reviewed with an emphasis on how this research guides our day-to-day care for glaucoma patients.

Speaker: Dr. Mitch Ibach

Date: Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Pacific Time

Location: Virtual

Moderator: Pending

Cost: Free!

COPE ID: Pending

Category: Pending

This event is undergoing COPE approval for 1 hour of CE credit.

October 15

Patient Compliance: The Ultimate Goal in Glaucoma Therapy

October 29

Defects, Dropout, and Dry Eye: Dealing with Dry Eye in Glaucoma