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Oral Pharmaceuticals - Fall Summit 2024


Join us this fall for a Sunday event dedicated entirely to the topic of oral pharmaceuticals. Earn up to 4 hours of COPE approved CE in one day! With a wide variety of speakers and topics, there is something for everyone.

Almost 400 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!

Feedback from anonymous survey:

  • Very comprehensive and informative subject.

  • Dr. Nidhi is great!

  • Great in-depth information regarding cannabis.

  • Dr. Rana was outstanding!

  • All of the speakers did a great job covering their topics!

  • Great content and speakers. Appreciate course offerings on weekends.

  • I really enjoyed the presentation on pediatric pharmacology. The presentation was great and she kept it interesting and I look forward to hearing her speak again.

  • Always so well organized and presented!

  • Speakers were all excellent and engaging. Really enjoyed this event. Thank you!

  • All doctors were good. I was sad to see the second doctor lecture while sick. The cannabis lecture was amazing. It was an amazing and thorough lecture with so much evidence base. It was incredible to see the topic so thoroughly covered in a short time. Amazing speaker!

Speakers: Jason Ng, OD, Shora Ansari, OD, Nidhi Rana, MD

Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart

Course Title: Cannabis and the Eyes

Speaker: Jason Ng, OD

Course ID/Category: 94401-PH (Pharmacology)

Course Description: Cannabis has been legalized in several states and optometrists are more likely than ever to encounter patients that may use it. While the longer term systemic effects of cannabis on the human organ systems is more well known, the shorter term effects on vision are less known. This course will provide an overview of the effects of cannabis on systemic and ocular health. An emphasis will be placed on the more acute effects of cannabis on the oculomotor and sensory aspects of vision. Consideration on how cannabis may influence driving ability will also be discussed.

Course Title: Systemic Antibiotics in Eye Care

Speaker: Shora Ansari, OD

Course ID/Category: 94402-PH (Pharmacology)

Course Description: This course covers a wide array of clinical pearls in treating bacterial ocular infections with systemic antibiotics. Practical information regarding the identification of adverse/allergic reactions, pregnancy and dosing will be discussed. This course will also provide guidance around antibiotic resistance.

Course Title: Pediatric Pharmapalooza

Speaker: Nidhi Rana, MD

Course ID/Category: 94403-PH (Pharmacology)

Course Description: Pharmacology agents used for different diseases continue to evolve and change constantly. This course will enhance and increase clinical knowledge related to pharmacological agents used in care of children of all ages, both topical and oral medications. This course is a comprehensive overview of pediatric prescribing. It will cover the common pathogens affecting children. It will cover the indications and contraindications of the drugs prescribed.

November 14

Generation KXL: Pediatric Keratoconus and Crosslinking

November 19

Begin with the Lid in Mind: Demodex Blepharitis and MGD