Learn more about IPL with Dr. Selina McGee

Learn from Dr. Jennifer Stewart’s Woo’s Wisdom for Dr. Selina McGee’s Webinar, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). She gave us tips to help our patients look and feel better with IPL, including how to identify patients and have conversations, how to look at patients in a different way and what exam elements we can add.

Her top 3 tips? Use a questionnaire, push on meibomian glands, use vital dye.

She also went through a number of devices available for skin treatments and their specific uses.

In IPL, we use light therapy to manage chronic disease . IPL devices emit a broad, continuous spectrum of light in the range of 515-1200 nm, with the ability to apply filters to target specific chromophores, including melanin and water. IPL is non monochromatic, defocused and non coherent and uses broad spectrum visible light.

Dr. McGee has extensive experience using IPL in her practice, and she discussed contraindications and shared her treatment pearls. If you are interested in adding IPL to your practice, this presentation is one to watch.

Be sure to go to WooU.org and check out the recording and handouts!


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