Learn more about Demodex Blepharitis with Dr. Karpecki

Dr. Paul Karpecki delivered an eye-itching, I mean eye-opening, presentation titled Demodex Blepharitis: Prevalence, Burden, Current Management Approaches and Emerging Treatments. For a little bit of background, Dr. Karpecki participates in major studies and technological advances in the dry eye realm but also owns and practices in the largest advanced dry eye practice in the United States. Here are a few key takeaways from his presentation:

· Demodex blepharitis is present in 60% of Americans and is frequently misdiagnosed.

· Doctors can definitively diagnose Demodex by the presence of collarettes when a patient looks DOWN. Collarettes are pathognomonic for Demodex.

· There is now an FDA-approved drop available to actually kill the Demodex mite versus solely cleaning away the bioload.

Be sure to check out his presentation on WooU.org. You’ll be sure to enjoy all the great images, information, and clinical tips he provided during his presentation!


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