Learn more about Keratoconus (KC) with Dr. Jedlicka

It’s time for some Woo’s Wisdom! Dr. Jason Jedlicka spoke to us on “Comprehensive Management of the Patient with Keratoconus”.

Here are some of the key takeaways:

👁️Keratoconus (KC) is a progressive, noninflammatory, thinning disease that affects both eyes, but one eye is often worse. Keratoconus is characterized by thinning and weakening which leads to corneal distortion.

👁️ Corneal tomography is the golden standard to diagnose keratoconus, as well as detect progression with early changes to the posterior cornea

👁️Cross-linking MUST be discussed as an option for the management of progressive keratoconus. Patients at higher risk of progression are those under the age of 30 and women of childbearing age, as pregnancy is a risk factor for progression.

👁️It is important to discuss not rubbing the eyes and offer solutions to irritated eyes, such as cool compresses, anti-itch drops for acute episodes, and/or allergy drops for daily management.

👁️We have many specialty contact lens options to correct vision in patients with keratoconus. Consider a penetrating keratoplasty only in instances where vision is unacceptable in specialty lenses. Often transplanted corneas are irregular and there are risks associated with transplants, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and rejection.

This presentation was jam-packed with information and tips for providing the best care possible to our keratoconus patients. Be sure to check out this presentation at WooU.org under past events.


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