Learn from Dr. Cerenzie’s Woo U Wisdom on The Low Vision Testing Procedure: Results and Financial Success” by Dr. Shuldiner

It’s time for some Woo’s Wisdom! In Dr. Richard Shuldiner’s presentation, titled “The Low Vision Testing Procedure: Results and Financial Success”, Dr. Shuldiner reviewed how to make a low vision specialty a success in private practice modalities.

Here are a few key takeaways:

📍 Low vision is not established by acuity, but instead, a patient being unable to perform a desired task due to insufficient acuity

📍 Dr. Shuldiner walked us through 12 steps of a low vision evaluation, including templates on key conversation points and questions to ask to efficiently and effectively determine low vision solutions for the patient.

📍 Low vision devices are task specific, meaning that multiple devices are likely to be required. Dr. Shuldiner broke down tasks to near, intermediate, and distance needs. He then discussed the individual options that are available and how to select the best one for your patient's lifestyle, goals, binocularity, and dexterity.

We had a lot of great feedback from this event, including one attendee reporting it was the best low vision lecture they've ever attended! Be sure to go to WooU.org and check out the recording and handouts!


Learn from Dr. Jennifer Stewart - Woo’s Wisdom for Dr. Elise Kramer’s presentation, Surprising Eyelid Issues That Lead to Contact Lens Discomfort.


Learn from Dr. Cerenzie’s Woo U Wisdom on “Perimetry Primer: Fundamentals of Visual Fields” by Dr. Ibach