This course will refresh our knowledge base of Demodex blepharitis. Thus, this course will provide essential information for eye care professionals on how to identify and confidently evaluate signs of Demodex blepharitis and distinguish them from other infectious and non-infectious signs, discharge, lash debris and diseases. Clinical burden and risk factors for the disease will be discussed and the latest scientific evidence on current management and emerging treatments for Demodex blepharitis will be explored.
Over 1000 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Dr. Karpecki is great! Many relevant pearls to help improve my patient care.
Dr. Karpecki always presents in a simplified easy to understand way.
This was a VERY helpful and informative presentation that made me realize I've probably missed this condition me frequently than I care to admit.
Great news that new med is available, and so easy to use.
Dr. Karpecki has always been the keynote speaker i look for.
Informative and clinically-relevant lecture with evidence-based data.
Dr. Karpecki always presents in a simplified easy to understand way.
Speaker: Dr. Paul Karpecki
Moderator: Dr. Ariel Cerenzie
COPE ID: 85637-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
Thanks you to Tarsus for providing an unrestricted educational grant to support this event.
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.