Learn how to successfully co-manage TED patients with an oculoplastic surgeon. Attendees will learn how to manage mild TED, and what current treatments are for moderate and severe TED, including surgical management and radiotherapy.
Almost 1200 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
OMG How did you get Dr Douglas?? He is THE GUY for TED in California!!!!!
Thank you! Very knowledgeable lecturer and easy to follow with very current information.
Thank you for providing this CE. This speaker was great for providing the information about the new monoclonal treatment as well as surgeries.
Great presentation , he kept the talk interesting and informative.
This was an awesome presentation. Best CE in a long time. Speaker is excellent.
Your Continuing Education is always so informative. Every time I participate in one, I feel my knowledge base has increased!That's with with any subject that I have participated with Woo University. Thank you for these opportunities.
Fantastic talk. Hats off to the speaker for not only covering what is becoming main stream treatment, but also the unique approaches he uses to customize treatment for his patients.
Dr. Douglas' presentation extremely well done, logically presented. Wish I could watch again.
Speaker: Raymond Douglas, MD, PhD
Moderator: Dr. Elise Kramer
COPE ID: 87147-SD
Category: Systemic/Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Horizon Therapeutics for providing an unrestricted educational grant to support this event.