This course is a deep dive focusing on the eyelids for ocular surface disease success. Anatomy and pathophysiology of the eyelid including ptosis, meibomian gland dysfunction and Demodex blepharitis will highlighted. Digital device use and mask associated dry eye will be covered. This course will describe how compromises to the lids can have a cascading effect on the ocular surface.
Almost 700 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
I immediately thought of a couple patients who I could help right now after having heard this CE. This was great!
Thank you for the latest and greatest info to date!
Thank you for the great introduction to new pharmaceuticals for dry eye disease.
Thank you for presenting great information on new products and treatments for Meibomian gland disease, Demodex, and dry eye Meibomian gland disfunction, Demodex, and dry eye disease.
Thank you for your knowledge in the topic. Thank you for the video!
Dr. Barnett’s presentations are always extremely informative and very easy to understand.
Excellent information on new exciting treatments,would look forward to a presentation once these medications are being used in the real world to see results.
Speaker: Melissa Barnett, O.D
COPE ID: 85457-TD
Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Tarsus for providing an unrestricted educational grant to support this event.