While managing AMD patients is important, it is imperative that ECPs understand the proper billing codes, ICD 10codes, and frequency of billing to ensure their practices stay profitable. Ocular disease patients can make up a large portion of the income in a medical optometry or ophthalmology clinic. Make sure you know what to bill when!
Over 700 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Fantastic presentation. Every time I hear JD speak, I can’t wait to hear him again.
Brilliant! Great presentation!
Great speaker and great information about how to bill correctly and avoid losing an audit!!
good insight in terms of testing and prevention and how to plan follow up care and management
He was a Great Presenter, very knowledgeable!
very practical lecture
Awesome presentation! I learned a lot!
I learned so much about medical billing,Thank you!
Excellent review for topics discussed
Speaker was very knowledgeable and articulate.
Speaker: Dr. Joe DeLoach
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit.
Thank you to Heru for exhibiting at this event.