This lecture will outline and describe the current understanding of thyroid eye disease (TED) and its interrelation with Graves’ Disease. It will describe incidence, risk factors, and associated systemic signs, symptoms, and pathophysiology including Rundle’s curve. We will discuss treatment options for TED including the recent FDA approval of Teprotumumab, its clinical trials, study endpoints, and adverse reactions. Masquerading ocular findings that may be early signs of TED will be described as well as lab testing that can help with the early detection of TED will be discussed. Doctors have a knowledge need for this practice gap which means having the knowledge of how to detect, diagnose, and treat TED in an integrated, multidisciplinary method.
Almost 1000 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
WOW FANTASTIC HIGH YIELD LECTURE w/ clinical cases, pathophysiology, detailed !!
Great speaker and this series has helped educate me on this condition so i hopefully will be more aware and able to help my patients faster.
This was the best talk I have ever heard on this topic.
Appreciated the distinct talk about antibodies rather than just thyroid dx.
I learned about ordering the TSI Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin serum test. Tepezza is an infusion. Thank you for an interesting lecture.
Pearls in TED will help pt care better. Thank you Dr Lang and Dr Woo.
Learned a lot about the new things surrounding TED!
Outstanding especially with use of interaction!
Speaker: Jacob Lang, OD
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 80761-SD
Category: Systemic/Ocular Disease
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.
Thank you to Horizon Therapeutics for providing an unrestricted educational grant to support this event.