Learn more about Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) with Dr. Barry Eiden

It’s time for Woo’s Wisdom! Dr. Barry Eiden presented on “Management of Pre-clinical and Early Phases of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)”. Let’s review some key take-away points from his presentation:

∙       Risk factors for AMD can be thought of as either modifiable or non-modifiable. Modifiable risks include UV exposure, smoking, obesity, and levels of protective photopigments. Non-modifiable risk factors include age, family history/genetic risk, race, and eye color.

∙       There are great pre/sub-clinical & early-stage diagnostics that can be utilized by eye care practitioners for early detection of AMD, which provides the best chance of helping patients maintain good vision and independence later in life. These include:

o   Genetic testing - Genetics contribute to 71% of AMD cases and is the most important non-modifiable risk factor. Genetic testing can provide patients with a genetic risk profile to customize care and monitoring frequency.

o   Contrast sensitivity testing

o   Dark adaptometry - Research indicates that dark adaptation may aid in detection of AMD up to 3 years before drusen are visible allowing for earlier intervention and management of the disease

∙       Indications for early-stage diagnostics could include:

o   Patients with issues seeing or driving at night

o   Patients who are at risk of AMD

o   Patients with AMD to monitor disease progression

∙       Other diagnostics discussed were different types of retinal imaging, an innovative instrument design from home-based monitoring, and on the horizon, at-home OCT devices.

∙       Lastly, Dr. Eiden reviewed way to bill and code for dark adaptation and other monitoring procedures.

Be sure to check out his complete presentation for all the necessary details on taking care of patients BEFORE vision loss/structural deficits secondary to AMD occur. You can find Dr. Eiden’s handouts and presentation at WooU.org under past events!

Watch the key takeaways here.


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