Learn from Dr Jennifer Stewart's Woo’s Wisdom for Dr. Vin Dang's presentation

Learn from Dr Jennifer Stewart's Woo’s Wisdom for Dr. Vin Dang's presentation, Current Treatment Modalities of Ocular Surface Disease and Glaucoma.

He first spoke on the incidence of ocular surface disease and glaucoma, and glaucoma and dry eyes together. He then discussed risk factors, and if we treat inflammation, we could be treating both OSD and glaucoma.

He talked about testing for ocular surface disease, including using a questionnaire, case history, vital dyes, meibography, gland expression, testing and a great slit lamp evaluation (look at the lids!)

He also discussed topical medications for glaucoma, including mechanisms of action and side effects, including the of BAK and other preservatives. He also went through current and new preservative free glaucoma med options, surgical options including SLT and MIGS, and current and upcoming dry eye medications.

His top tips?
Use preservative free options for glaucoma meds, look at the lids and treat blepharitis, treat one thing at a time, and dry eye is everywhere- either treat them or send them to a colleague. Your patients with thank you!

Be sure to go to WooU.org and check out the recording and handouts!


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