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Macular Degeneration Updates – New Technologies and Therapies


This course will review AMD and will also introduce new emerging interventions for geographic atrophy. This course will provide an opportunity to address the identified gaps in knowledge and practice and encourage health care professionals to change their practice behaviors to improve their patients’ health when it comes to AMD.

Almost 900 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!

Feedback from anonymous survey:

  • What a fantastic speaker! Bring him back again! Great event!

  • I really enjoyed Dr. Dunbar's way of speaking, it made the info very relatable to everyday practice. Thank you for this lecture, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I learned!

  • Very informative, lots of new stuff!

  • Exciting new treatments available.

  • Very well put together presentation!

  • So fascinating to know that there are treatment options for our dry AMD (GA) patients!

  • Good material and well presented.

  • I love how practical/clinically useful the information is

  • Excellent presentation, extremely informative. Would definitely like to hear Dr. Dunbar again.

Speaker: Mark Dunbar, OD

Thank you to Iveric for exhibiting at this event.

This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit.

April 4

Ocular Nutrition Tying Function, Structure, and Molecular Altogether

April 6

Anterior Segment and Contact Lens Applications of OCT