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L.I.D. Listen, Identify, Diagnose


This course is designed to equip optometrists with the necessary information for accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and proper management of Demodex blepharitis. We will discuss the long-term impact of Demodex if left without intervention, how to easily diagnose this condition, and lastly how to have the conversation/discussion with the patient. One tip: talk about it like an analogy to the dental model. If you let plaque buildup, it will cause cavities. If you let Demodex build up it can lead to issues with contacts, vision issues, and other ocular surface problems. Why wouldn't you intervene right away?

Speaker: Janelle Davison, OD

Date: Thursday, March 27th, 2025

Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Pacific Time

Location: Virtual

Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart

Cost: Free!

COPE ID: 96810-TD

Category: Trt/Mngmnt Ocular Disease

This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.

Thank you to Tarsus for providing a medical educational grant for this event.

ONLY take the pre/post test IF it is specifically required by your state; it is not a COPE requirement.

March 19

OCT and OCTA Imaging in Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy

April 10

Lifestyle Solutions for Today’s Presbyope, One Size Does NOT Fit All