This course will provide an overview of all myopia management strategies and patient selection. Other points of discussion include pathophysiology of myopia, the impact of myopia and patient selection for myopia control. Emphasis will be placed on patient and parent education and how to relay the importance of myopia control.
Almost 1100 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Excellent summary and SO applicable!
New info on myopia progression.
Very nice simple webinar with excellent speaking pace.
Straight forward and great information, thank you!
Amazingly clear explanations!
Helpful statistics.
I liked the updated statistics provided which is new to me.
Popular topic that is becoming more wide spread while offering strategies and implementation to address myopic progression.
Definitely more interesting than I originally thought.
Thank you. Program exposed me to interesting information!
Excellent presentation that was educational and clear. Dr. had good command of topic and was an excellent presenter.
Speaker: Dr. Marie Homa-Palladino
Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Stewart
COPE ID: 96020-GO
Category: General Optometry
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of CE credit.