Using a case-based format, this course will discuss the clinical applications of retinal diagnostics and imaging in macular degeneration management, including how it can enhance the eye care professional’s ability to detect early pathology and more accurately stage the disease.
Almost 800 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!
Feedback from anonymous survey:
Learned a lot about advances in OCT
Fantastic lecture by Dr. Majcher and great information
Glad to hear about the new treatment for GA
Superb overview of OCT-A and FAF!
Thank you for very well explained information.
TREMENDOUS presentation!!! Very informative, entertaining, and a great speaker!!!
Excellent review of how AMD affects the various retinal layers
Great scans and a lot of great information!
Great speaker - reviewed definitions and then clinical cases
Thank you for providing such top-notch CE!
Good to know referral time guidelines for stages of AMD
Very knowledgeable speaker,organized and relative material, pleasant voice and personable deliverance
Thank you for very well explained information.
Speaker: Carolyn Majcher, OD
Thank you to Iveric for exhibiting at this event.
This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit.