Learn from Dr. Jennifer Stewart's Woo’s Wisdom for Dr Jason Ng’s presentation, Cannabis and the Eyes.

He first discussed prevalence of use, and the strongest benefits on health.

He then discussed the overall effects, including systemic effects and risks. He talked about ocular physiological effects, including hyperemia, IOP, eyelids, the cornea, dry eye, NPC, nystagmus, eye movements, and accommodation. He also discussed sensory aspects, including the effect on visual acuity and contrast sensitivity.

He spoke about the role of cannabinoid in the treatment of glaucoma, as well as how cannabis can affect driving.

🔗 Explore the full insights and download session handouts at WooU.org under ‘Past Events’.


Learn from Dr. Stewart's Woo’s Wisdom for “Begin With The Lid in Mind: Demodex Blepharitis and MGD” with Dr. Paul Karpecki.


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