Learn more about Blepharitis by Dr. Ian Gaddie

In Dr. Ian Gaddie’s presentation, titled “Blepharitis: The Biggest Unmet Need in Eyecare” he reviewed how to identify and properly address blepharitis, which is a large and underserved market in eyecare. Over 25 million patients have blepharitis. Did you know that 2/3 of patients walking through your door are affected by this condition?

Here are some of the key takeaways:

·        Cylindrical dandruff is pathognomic for demodex blepharitis. If you see this, there is a 100% chance there is a mite, though if there is a mite, there is not a 100% chance that the patient has a collarette.

·        Always make sure you ask the patient to look DOWN to best assess for any signs of blepharitis

·        If you suspect demodex infestation but a collarette is not visible, grab some forceps and pull the lash taute. Move the lash in a circular motion in the same motion you would use with a mortar and pestle. This method can help push dead or live demodex past the eyelash follicle to visualize.

·        A new treatment for demodex is on the horizon. Dr. Gaddie is currently involved in the FDA trial and shared the latest information available on the drug.

Be sure to check out his full presentation and handouts here!


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